Ever wonder?

Have you ever wondered why is there such a gap between Men and Women? Like why do we love keeping diaries, reading love stories, watching romantic drama and movies but men are often quite the opposite. Of course, there are proven facts from the pros who have analyzed this but I just like to wonder…and I know for sure this has something to do why women hurt so much easier than men. Why women are sensitive weak animals and why we go deeper in our thoughts… Given a choice, I would still choose to be a woman for I believe humans should have strong feelings, that is what a heart is for. We are born to care about everything around us, that’s how a good human should be. On the contrary, I know that times when I am hurt, I choose to be a man instead for there is lesser pain, I don’t know, I would guess so…and so you tell me.

Anyway, to side track on my thoughts today. My dreams are pretty distorted lately and I managed to revisit my wishful ambitions. What were my real ambitions before I knew my shortfalls, before I knew my limitations. First ambition was to be a lawyer. Just because I think being a lawyer makes one feel good and obviously one must be smart enough to be a lawyer. Whatever you say must makes sense and each sentence you put out is a deciding factor. Challenging jobs like this is satisfying. My second ambition was to be a nurse! Helping others and saving lives…I still think this is the one of the most noble jobs in the world. Too bad I cannot deal with emotions and the pool of blood. Finally, my most wishful ambition was to be a travel journalist or those presenters you see on TLC. All these ambitions have long been locked aside… then once in awhile, they appear in my dreams. 😉

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An NMO fighter. ❥ Find joy in the ordinary. Always be kinder than necessary. ღ

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